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Videllia or “Lady V” is a love blogger and coach whose passion is to teach women have to navigate the space from singleness to relationships while building their self-worth along the way.  After experiencing the worst of heartbreak, relationships, abuse, narcissism, and a failed engagement, she went on a journey of healing and self-discovery.  That journey led her right here – into her purpose.  Her goal is to encourage women to recognize their royalty and never settle for anything less than what they deserve! Lady V is that homegirl you need in your life to keep you encouraged on your journey. Be sure to sign up for the email list to be the first to know about everything Lady V has to offer!

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You Are Enough

Hey loves, check out today’s video where I remind you to know your worth and know that you are enough.…

Good Men DO Exist

This post can be viewed as a video or read as a blog post. To watch the video, click below…

All Things Online Dating

I often get asked a lot of questions about online dating so I have finally made a comprehensive video detailing…


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“Marriage is not a reward for doing something right and singleness is not a punishment for doing something wrong. Remember that.”